Saturday, August 16, 2008

Scrap and paint.

Last weekend I started stripping and painting the old parts I'm putting back in the car. A couple of good coats of rust-o-lium flat black will hopefully keep them in good shape for the years to come. The grill over the engine bay, and the rear trunk hinges.

Here's a close up of the hinges with the guide bars all attached and the mounting hardware painted black. The nuts standing out yellow just gave me the willies; so as long as I was painting today, I gave them a coat.

Here's the support arm of the windshield wipers. I'm not painting the whole assembly. And really this part was in great shape.

I found this under the car. I had to remove it to get to the breaks and gas tank lines. I was temped to send it along for blasting; but felt it might get misplaced. Since it provides a bit of aerodynamics under the car, I knew I was going to put it back on. And losing it would be unfortunate.

Headlight assemblies. All striped, primed and painted. I was also able to get these installed as well. Thanks to some well timed wife watching the assistance's.

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